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Broken Places

Borderline Medicine

An examination of the health care systems in the U.S. and Canada comparing the quality, cost, and accessibility of care in both countries.

Borderline Medicine, a one-hour documentary narrated by Walter Cronkite, explores the crisis in American health care and considers the lessons that the U.S. can learn from Canada’s 20-year experience with national health insurance. The program features powerful profiles of American and Canadian patients who have similar medical problems, but vastly different experiences with their health care systems. Health policy experts from both sides of the border speak candidly about the merits, liabilities, and trade-off that are part of both countries’ health care systems.

Silver Screen Award

Produced and Directed by Roger Weisberg

Public Policy Productions, Inc.
P.O. Box 650
Palisades, NY 10964
(845) 398-2119
Roger Weisberg, President
email Public Policy Productions